Search Results for: Science
The Earth Has Mountains Over 8,000 Metres High And Ocean Trenches Over 10,000 Metres Deep, So Why Do Scientists Still Say The Earth Is Round
There is a view that the reason why the Earth looks round is because of the role of the Earth's oceans, which simply means that a large amount of seawater has "filled in" the undulations of the Earth's surface.
Why Is It That Only Uranium And Plutonium Can Be Used For Nuclear Fuel? But Not Other Elements?
The more "nucleons" an atomic nucleus contains, the greater its mass, but scientists have found that the average mass of the "nucleons" of different elements is different
It Turns Out That We Often 'Travel' Through Time, But We Don't Realise It, So How Does This Happen?
It has long been discovered in practice that the phenomenon of "gravitational time dilation" does exist
Fungal Manipulation Of "Zombie Flies": Mating Won't Stop Even After Death!
Researchers believe that the longer a female fly killed by a fungal infection dies, the greater the spread of these fungi, releasing more chemical signals
What Happened To The Experiment To Crossbreed With Chimpanzees And The Five Human Women Willing To Pay For Science?
Since humans and chimpanzees are reproductively isolated from each other and cannot bond, can we transfuse chimpanzee blood to us humans?