
What Is So Special About Gliese 581g, Thought To Be The Most Earth-Like Exoplanet Known?

It has been billions of years since life appeared on earth, and although there are seven planets in our solar system in addition to earth, as well as a number of dwarf planets, moons and other relatively large bodies, so far we have not found alien life on any other planet in our solar system for the time being. Even mars, another earth-like planet in the habitable zone of our solar system, has not found a single sign of life. Could it be that life on earth is really unique and no other planet is allowed to have life?

Mercury Has Set Seven Solar System Bests, Other Than Being The Closest To The Sun

Because Mercury does not have an atmosphere to play a role in insulation, so the temperature of the back side of Mercury can be as low as minus 172 degrees Celsius, and because of the proximity of the sun, the temperature of the sunny side of Mercury will soar to 432 degrees Celsius under the baking of the sun, so it can be seen that Mercury is simply a realistic version of the "world of ice and fire"