
On The Road To Evolution, The Acacia Tree And The Giraffe Have Been Fighting Each Other For Millions Of Years
The length of the giraffe's tongue can reach more than 40 cm, usually, they only need to use their flexible tongue to avoid the hard thorns of the acacia tree, and then gently roll, you can eat the leaves

The Night Snake, The World's Geekiest Snake, Has a Hunting Success Rate Of Less Than 1% And Only Succeeds Once In 200 Strikes
The cave is so dark that these nocturnal snakes that live in bat caves are essentially completely blind and deaf

What Happened To The Experiment To Crossbreed With Chimpanzees And The Five Human Women Willing To Pay For Science?
Since humans and chimpanzees are reproductively isolated from each other and cannot bond, can we transfuse chimpanzee blood to us humans?

Where Do All The Mosquitoes And Flies Go In Winter? How Do They Spend Their Winters?
It happens to be the season when mosquitoes and flies go wild, but it is true that there are not as many flies as there are mosquitoes today. This has a lot to do with our improved sanitation today, after all, flies need to lay their eggs on manure pits and rotting food, while many rural toilets have now been converted to squatting, and the shorter disposal cycle for waste has greatly reduced their hatching.

Why Is It That Dinosaurs Are Not All Extinct And Are Still Living On Earth, Everywhere Around Humans?
It is proposed that birds originated from dinosaurs, and that "ancestor birds" are a transitional species between birds and dinosaurs.

Dogs Often Lie On Their Front Legs On The Ground With Their Bottoms Puckered Up, What Exactly Is That Saying?
In the wild, wolves are pack animals, and by living in packs they stand at the top of the food chain, but despite this, they face daily threats

Thousands Of Large Birds Live In India's Largest Rubbish Dump, So Why Do Locals Prefer To Starve Rather Than Eat Them?
In addition to the nearby residents, the dump has become a "paradise for animals", and the most abundant animal living here is our protagonist today - a larger than human bird bald stork

Fungal Manipulation Of "Zombie Flies": Mating Won't Stop Even After Death!
Researchers believe that the longer a female fly killed by a fungal infection dies, the greater the spread of these fungi, releasing more chemical signals

Summer Insects Speak Ice - Why Insects Do Not Freeze Into Popsicle Sticks In -50°c In The North And South Poles?
In the world of insects, a variety of successful strategies have been developed to avoid dying from the cold

If Evolution Is Correct, Why Didn't Plants Evolve To Be Hard To Eat?
Most of the plants that we think are delicious have actually been artificially selected for hundreds or even thousands of years