
What Is The End Point Of The Evolution Of Carbon-Based Life? How Far Away Is Humanity From This Endpoint?
Theoretically, life can take many different forms, such as silicon-based life, sulphur-based life, carbon-based life, amino-life, hydrogen-based life, etc. However, so far we only know that life exists on earth, and all known life, including us humans, is carbon-based.

Once The World's Largest 'Eye In The Sky', It Sent Telegrams To Aliens, Now It's a Dumping Ground
The Arecibo Radio Telescope in the United States used to be the largest radio telescope in the world, with a diameter of 350 meters. As the most powerful radio telescope ever built, scientists have achieved many scientific results with the radio Arecibo radio telescope in the past decades

How Much Energy Is Released When 1 Kilogram Of u-235 Is Fissioned? How Long Will There Be Enough Uranium On The Planet For Human Use?
If mankind can master the method of extracting uranium from seawater in large quantities in the future, there will be enough uranium on the earth to last for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years!

If You Sink a 100kg Solid Iron Ball Into The Deepest Part Of The Sea, Will The Ball Be Deformed By The Pressure?
According to known exploration data, the deepest seabed on earth is the marianas trench, located at the bottom of the pacific ocean. The measurement data shows that the deepest part of the marianas trench can reach 11,034 meters, where the pressure is about 110 mpa, equivalent to 1.1 tons of weight per square centimeter. So the question arises, if you take a 100kg solid iron ball and sink it into the deepest part of the sea floor, will the iron ball be deformed by the pressure?

How Fast Is Mach 1? How Many Kilometres Per Hour Is It Equivalent To?
In essence, sound is actually a wave generated by the vibration of the object, the sound waves in the air is actually a "longitudinal wave"

Life May Not Have Originated On Earth, And There Is Growing Evidence That Life Should Have Originated In Outer Space
In the past days, scientists have been working on the study of meteorites, and as the research continues, there is more and more evidence that life should originate from outer space

Will Humanity Be Trapped In The Solar System Forever? What Would Humanity Do Without Ftl And Wormholes?
The solar system is a system of celestial bodies kept in motion by the sun's gravity, which means that all bodies within the effective range of the sun's gravity are part of the solar system, so by this definition, how large is the solar system?

Five Signs That Mankind Is Witnessing Its Own Evolution, As It Never Stops
In the evolutionary history of human beings, the gradual increase in brain volume is an important marker

There Is No Air In Space To Provide Reaction Forces, So Where Does The Power To Move The Spacecraft Forward Come From?
The law of conservation of momentum means that the total momentum of a system remains constant when it is not subject to external forces or when the sum of the vectors of external forces is zero

There Have Been Ways To Create Artificial Gravity For a Long Time, So Why Isn't Artificial Gravity Used On Space Stations?
If we make the space station in space into a ring and let it rotate, then the humans in it will also feel the "centrifugal force" to "push" themselves towards the outer wall of the space station