Search Results for: Humans

When Humans Reach The Second Level Of Civilization In The Universe, Will They Necessarily Build a "Dyson Sphere"?

If someone asks the question, are humans alone in the universe? I believe that most people would answer in the negative. In fact, the scientific community also generally agrees that there are a large number of intelligent civilisations in the vast universe, some of which may even be far ahead of our civilisation, and in order to better describe the technological level of intelligent civilisations in the universe, scientists have also proposed the concept of "Cosmic civilisation levels".

Why Do Wild Animals Not Need To Eat Salt, But Humans Must?

In fact, the earth's crust itself is a natural source of minerals, many soil and rocks contain a certain amount of salt, careful observation of cattle and sheep should know, cattle and sheep in the grass, but also often "eat soil" or lick the stone, they do so, in fact, the purpose is to obtain the salt

How Long Would It Take For Humans To Reach Mars?

Of all the known rocky planets in the solar system, the one with the most similar natural environment to Earth is Mars, and exploration data show that Mars also has an atmosphere, four seasons of the year, and even a rotation period similar to that of Earth.