Why Don't Predators Eat Camels When Over 3-Tonne Elephants Can Be Eaten? Doesn't It Have Natural Predators?
If you're in a vast expanse of desert, unless you can find water straight away, you'll be lucky to meet a camel. And it's not just the traditional image of the 'desert boat' that makes this animal so interesting - as a herbivore, they are almost never known to have natural predators in nature.
How Long Does It Take For The Sun To Go Out Before Humans Notice It? Will It Be 8 Minutes Or 10,000 Years?
The energy released by the sun's nuclear fusion reaction, in addition to making the sun shine and heat, there is an important role, that is, to resist its own gravity
Three Billion Years Ahead Of Time! The Hubble Telescope Has Discovered That The Andromeda Galaxy Has Hit The Milky Way
An in-depth analysis of the light from these quasars using the Hubble telescope has shown that the Andromeda galaxy's "halo" has two nested gas shells, with the "inner shell" extending outward by about 500,000 light-years and the "outer shell" extending by up to 2 million light-years
A Probe That Flew 22.8 Billion Kilometres And Finally Sent Back Pictures That Teach Mankind a Vivid Lesson
Although the Earth is just a "grain of dust suspended in the sun" in the universe, for us humans, this "grain of dust" is irreplaceable.
Will Jupiter, The 'King Of The Planets' In Our Solar System, Become a Star In The Future?
After the sun evolves into a red giant, the hydrogen in its core is almost completely fused into helium, so the nuclear fusion inside the sun stops, after which the sun loses its internal radiation pressure and continues to collapse, leading to a constant increase in temperature and pressure in its core, while the helium in the central region of the sun is gradually compressed into the condensed state.
Aliens Disposing Of Nuclear Waste? A Star With a Bizarre Spectrum Has Scientists Suspicious
Compared to iron, those rare earth elements in the universe, which are heavier than iron, are even rarer