Search Results for: energy

The Earth Has Been Spinning For 4.5 Billion Years - Where Does The Energy Come From? Scientists Finally Have The Answer
The earth has been spinning since its inception and has been doing so for 4.5 billion years now, so why has it not stopped yet?

On a More Macroscopic Level, Could The Solar System Be An Atom?
In the macroscopic world, the solar system is a system of celestial bodies centred on the sun, in which the vast majority of mass is concentrated and the major planets orbit the sun, while in the microscopic world, an atom is a microscopic system centred on the nucleus of an atom, in which the vast majority of mass is concentrated and electrons orbit the nucleus.

How Much Energy Is Released When 1 Kilogram Of u-235 Is Fissioned? How Long Will There Be Enough Uranium On The Planet For Human Use?
If mankind can master the method of extracting uranium from seawater in large quantities in the future, there will be enough uranium on the earth to last for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years!