Search Results for: earth

What's Going On? Spiraling Object Appears In New Zealand Night Sky And a Series Of Fireballs Streak Across The Spanish Night Sky
In general, when a spacecraft, probe or rocket wreckage re-enters the atmosphere, they are fast, reaching several kilometers per second or even faster

Second Home Just Around The Corner? Probe Finds 'Reservoir', Nasa: Send People Up There By 2040
In our solar system, there are 2 planets in the habitable zone of the solar system, one of which is our home planet Earth, and the other is Mars

How Long Does It Take For The Sun To Go Out Before Humans Notice It? Will It Be 8 Minutes Or 10,000 Years?
The energy released by the sun's nuclear fusion reaction, in addition to making the sun shine and heat, there is an important role, that is, to resist its own gravity

A Probe That Flew 22.8 Billion Kilometres And Finally Sent Back Pictures That Teach Mankind a Vivid Lesson
Although the Earth is just a "grain of dust suspended in the sun" in the universe, for us humans, this "grain of dust" is irreplaceable.

Scientists Warn: Earth Could Undergo An Upheaval! Atmospheric Oxygen Levels May Revert Back To 2.4 Billion Years Ago
The earth was born more than 4 billion years ago, when it was very different from the earth of today, one of which is that the environment of cosmic space is more different.

Planet That Collided With Earth 4.5 Billion Years Ago Found? Scientists: It Could Be Inside The Earth
Earthquakes are a common natural phenomenon. On average, millions of earthquakes occur on Earth every year, except that most of them are so mild that they are largely imperceptible to humans.

Why is the earth not perfect? Do planets more perfect than earth exist?
Earth is the only home we have in the universe and the only planet we know of so far that has life on it, and because of this, we usually think of it as a perfect planet.

How Terrible Is The Reproductive Isolation Of Earth's Species? Is There Reproductive Isolation Between Humans And Animals?
The existence of reproductive isolation, so that these situations can not occur, even if there are some individuals of different species sometimes complete the mating, but they generally can not produce offspring, or produce offspring can not continue to reproduce

The Earth Has Been Spinning For 4.5 Billion Years - Where Does The Energy Come From? Scientists Finally Have The Answer
The earth has been spinning since its inception and has been doing so for 4.5 billion years now, so why has it not stopped yet?

The Earth Has Mountains Over 8,000 Metres High And Ocean Trenches Over 10,000 Metres Deep, So Why Do Scientists Still Say The Earth Is Round
There is a view that the reason why the Earth looks round is because of the role of the Earth's oceans, which simply means that a large amount of seawater has "filled in" the undulations of the Earth's surface.