Search Results for: Space

How Long Does It Take For The Sun To Go Out Before Humans Notice It? Will It Be 8 Minutes Or 10,000 Years?
The energy released by the sun's nuclear fusion reaction, in addition to making the sun shine and heat, there is an important role, that is, to resist its own gravity

Aliens Disposing Of Nuclear Waste? A Star With a Bizarre Spectrum Has Scientists Suspicious
Compared to iron, those rare earth elements in the universe, which are heavier than iron, are even rarer

There Is No Air In Space To Provide Reaction Forces, So Where Does The Power To Move The Spacecraft Forward Come From?
The law of conservation of momentum means that the total momentum of a system remains constant when it is not subject to external forces or when the sum of the vectors of external forces is zero

What Would Happen If You Fired a Shot At The Moon From The Space Station? Would It Hit The Moon?
If a shot is fired at the moon from the space station, the bullet fired will be firmly bound by the earth's gravity and it will be impossible to hit the moon

Humans Can Not Walk The Earth? Scientists: Astronauts Flying In Space For 6 Months, The Amount Of Bone Loss Is Amazing
In orbit for longer and longer periods of time, we need to solve not only inorganic resupply problems such as food, water, oxygen and propellant, but also the various problems faced by astronauts flying in orbit for long periods of time

There Have Been Ways To Create Artificial Gravity For a Long Time, So Why Isn't Artificial Gravity Used On Space Stations?
If we make the space station in space into a ring and let it rotate, then the humans in it will also feel the "centrifugal force" to "push" themselves towards the outer wall of the space station

Life May Not Have Originated On Earth, And There Is Growing Evidence That Life Should Have Originated In Outer Space
In the past days, scientists have been working on the study of meteorites, and as the research continues, there is more and more evidence that life should originate from outer space

How Scary Is It That Pluto's Atmosphere Is Disappearing? It's Not Wrong To Be Kicked Off The Planet List
There are many rumors that Pluto is a terrible world, where the temperature is so low that no life can survive, and even if there is life, it may be some extreme virus, so how terrible and unusual is Pluto?

How Empty Is The Universe? Probably More Than You Can Imagine
Between the Earth and the Moon there exists a much more empty space than imagined, so what can be put down in this space?

What Exists In The Vast Space Between The Nucleus And The Electron? Is It An Absolute Vacuum?
In 2013, CERN discovered the existence of the Higgs boson for the first time.