Search Results for: Outer space

New 'Extraterrestrial Home' Discovered? Scientists: Dense Atmosphere, Likely Life
Like Earth, Titan has a nitrogen-rich atmosphere, with 98.44% of its atmosphere being nitrogen, making it the only nitrogen-rich planet in the solar system other than Earth.

Humans Can Not Walk The Earth? Scientists: Astronauts Flying In Space For 6 Months, The Amount Of Bone Loss Is Amazing
In orbit for longer and longer periods of time, we need to solve not only inorganic resupply problems such as food, water, oxygen and propellant, but also the various problems faced by astronauts flying in orbit for long periods of time

Life May Not Have Originated On Earth, And There Is Growing Evidence That Life Should Have Originated In Outer Space
In the past days, scientists have been working on the study of meteorites, and as the research continues, there is more and more evidence that life should originate from outer space

Just 36.5 Light-Years From Earth, Another 'Super-Earth' Has Been Discovered That May Contain Extraterrestrial Life
Proxima, a slightly smaller red dwarf than Ross 508, has been frequently observed by astronomers as a giant flare in the past.

Satellite Lost For 46 Years Sends Signals To Earth Again, But People Are Not Happy
This satellite is the communications satellite LES-1. In the 1960s and 1970s, the United States launched several such communications satellites, from LES-1 to LES-9, which were relatively small, weighing only about 32 kg, each with a horn antenna and an x-band transponder, as well as a 237 MHz signal transmitter, which were powered mainly by solar panels