
Where Is The Solar System Located In The Galaxy? Is It Unfortunate Or Fortunate For Mankind?
The solar system is located in a region with a stellar density of only 72 million parts per million of the highest stellar density region in the Milky Way, which is a remote and inhospitable part of the galaxy.

How Similar Is Titan To Earth? Scientists: There Are Mountains, Seas And Atmospheres, And Probably Life
Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest in our solar system, even a little larger than Mercury, one of the eight planets. Due to tidal locking, Titan's rotation period and revolution period are the same, similar to our Moon

18.8 Billion Kilometres Away, Seven Months Out Of Control, Voyager 2 Sends a Message To Earth: Hello
It's good news that Earth has regained contact with Voyager 2 after such a long period of loss of control. But somewhat sadly, Voyager 2 is carrying very little battery power left

Is There Really Water On Mars? Scientists Have Debated For Decades After Rover Photographed An Avalanche On Mars
Data returned by the Odyssey Mars Rover suggest that these slope streaks are generally found on the sides of hills and mountains in Martian craters, and that their formation may be caused by frost formed by carbon dioxide at low temperatures

Voyager 1 Has Flown 22.8 Billion Kilometres Away, How Did It Manage To Send Its Signal Back To Earth?
The universe is so big, but man's range is so small that the furthest man has been so far is the moon, which is only 380,000 km away from earth on average. Of course, humans have also launched all kinds of probes, and if you include them, the range of human activities is much larger.

What Are The Seven Stars Of The Big Dipper? How Big Are They? How Far Away Are They From The Earth?
The Big Dipper is located in the constellation Ursa Major, and under good observing conditions, we can find them almost every day in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere. These seven shining stars form a unique spoon shape that is very easy to recognize.

The Most Mysterious Crater On The Moon: An Unnaturally Oval Shape With a Giant Structure In The Middle
The "Ryder" crater is actually located on the rim of a much larger crater. Exploration data show that this old crater is about 70 km in diameter, and its rim rises high above the inner area, with an altitude difference of about 3 km

Why Is It That The Discovery Of Extraterrestrial Life In Our Solar System Would Be The Beginning Of Despair For Humanity?
How exactly did such a complex life emerge on Earth? This is a great mystery to modern humans, but we are almost certain that the "birth of life" is a process that has a very small probability of occurring.