
There Are No People On The Moon, So Why Are There Over 180 Tonnes Of Rubbish And Where Did This Rubbish Come From?
The moon has no people and no other living creatures, but scientists have found a lot of garbage on the surface of the moon, which is very strange, since the moon has no people, why would there be so much garbage?

How Long Does It Take For The Sun To Travel 792,000 Kilometres Per Hour And Make a Full Revolution Around The Centre Of The Milky Way Galaxy?
In the Milky Way, the closest stars to the Sun are 4.22 light years away

Our Fears Were Not Unfounded, As 70,000 Years Ago Our Solar System Was Invaded By Another Star
The milky way is a huge galaxy with hundreds of billions of stars, and the sun is just one of the less prominent stars that, along with many other stars in the galaxy, orbits the centre of the galaxy.

What Is So Special About Gliese 581g, Thought To Be The Most Earth-Like Exoplanet Known?
It has been billions of years since life appeared on earth, and although there are seven planets in our solar system in addition to earth, as well as a number of dwarf planets, moons and other relatively large bodies, so far we have not found alien life on any other planet in our solar system for the time being. Even mars, another earth-like planet in the habitable zone of our solar system, has not found a single sign of life. Could it be that life on earth is really unique and no other planet is allowed to have life?

Does a Planet With a Diameter Of 1 Light Year Exist In The Universe?
The mass of a star cannot grow indefinitely, it can only reach the "Eddington limit" at most, so beyond this threshold, it will soon "eject" the extra material

Webb Telescope Finds 'Super-Earth'? A Lava Ocean, More Than 40 Light Years Away
Although we do not know much about these two "super Earths" yet, but from the basic situation, these two "super Earths" are not suitable for human habitation

Is The Sun Suspended In The Universe? What Exists Above And Below The Solar System?
Below the solar system, there is a star system labeled "alpha Centauri".

Would An Alien Civilisation Reveal Itself Voluntarily? 355 Light Years Away, An Abnormal Star Appears
Compared to radio messages sent by humans, this method seems to be more suitable for intelligent civilizations to announce their presence in the universe, because this method belongs to the "broadcast" in space, and intelligent civilizations in all directions can be observed

Why Have No Advanced Civilizations Visited Earth? Perhaps In Their Eyes, Humans Are Just Ants
Intelligent life is rare in the universe, or perhaps it is just wishful thinking on our part. As mentioned earlier, just in the galaxy, there are hundreds of millions of planets that have the natural conditions to nurture life, so a reasonable speculation is that life has evolved on many planets, and even a number of planets have evolved intelligent life.

How Scary Is It That Pluto's Atmosphere Is Disappearing? It's Not Wrong To Be Kicked Off The Planet List
There are many rumors that Pluto is a terrible world, where the temperature is so low that no life can survive, and even if there is life, it may be some extreme virus, so how terrible and unusual is Pluto?