
Humans Can Not Walk The Earth? Scientists: Astronauts Flying In Space For 6 Months, The Amount Of Bone Loss Is Amazing
In orbit for longer and longer periods of time, we need to solve not only inorganic resupply problems such as food, water, oxygen and propellant, but also the various problems faced by astronauts flying in orbit for long periods of time

Has The Earth Used Less Water For More Than 4 Billion Years? Scientists Find The Answer In a Rock
The modern Earth's atmosphere is so rich in oxygen that the vast majority of this hydrogen will be re-oxidized to water without escaping from the Earth's top atmosphere

Earth Not Safe Anymore? Scientists Reveal Four Evil Alien Civilizations: Capable Of Invading Earth
For humans, the universe is too dimensional for us to see the details of its depths for the time being

Scientists Open 5.5 Million-Year-Old Cave, Discover 'Alien World', Overturning The Perception Of Life
In this 5.5 million-year-old cave, not only is there no sunlight, but the environment is also very harsh

Worrying! For The First Time, Man Reaches The 8,919m Deep Yap Trench And Finds Something That Shouldn't Exist
With the progress of science and technology, human beings have now begun to increase their efforts to explore the universe and the ocean. With the help of advanced submersibles, more and more people have the opportunity to dive into the deep sea thousands of meters deep for research. It is also with the arrival of human beings that we found that there are some things in the deep ocean that should not exist, which are worrying.

500 Trillion Tons! A Comet Is Heading Towards Earth? Scientists: Speed 35,000 Km/h
The 500 trillion ton comet was discovered in 2010 by astronomers Pedro Bernardinelli and Gary Bernstein

What Is The Largest Man-Made Lake In China? How Big Is It?
Since there are many lakes in China, many of them have the title of "largest".

How Was The World's First Man Born When There Was No Man On Earth Billions Of Years Ago?
If humans evolved from the forest archaeopteryx, how did the forest archaeopteryx emerge?

What Is The Truth About The Loch Ness Monster, Which Became Famous After 1933?
What exactly is the Loch Ness Monster?

3 Threats That Could Lead To The End Of Humanity, One More Terrifying Than The Other, And One Is Emerging
How long can humans survive on earth? This is a question that many of us want to know, and i believe that we do not want to wake up to a "Purgatory" Like venus, and hope that the earth can remain alive forever, so that we humans can continue and our generations can survive on earth forever. If the earth's environment were to change drastically and become an extremely hot planet like venus or mercury, then naturally everything in the world, including humans, would not be able to exist.